Does the pace of the lesson provide appropriate challenge for all students? ... to become engaged in the lesson? Are there smooth transitions between activities?書名:Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community,語言:英文,ISBN:9781119352891,頁數:272,作者:Burden, Paul R.,出版日期:2016/12/27, ...This course provides the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to managing classrooms and workshops in PVE, creating a positive and caring ...What will you do next? • Relationships. • Teaching methods. • Group learning. • Classroom management. • Teacher's personality. • Wait time.Very helpful book! I used this as a textbook for a college course on classroom management. Each chapter offers examples and activities for the user to complete ...書名:Instructional Strategies for Middle and High School Social Studies: Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management,語言:英文,ISBN:9781032664255, ..."The Educator's Field Guide covers the four key areas of organization, classroom management, instruction, and assessment, and offers an excellent bridge ...Take Control of the Noisy Class: Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds (Super-effective classroom management strategies for teachers in today's toughest classrooms).A-2-5 善用教學策略與技巧,引導學生學習。 Use teaching strategies and skills to guide students' learning. 能適切選擇並妥善運用教學策略與技巧,引導學生進行學習 ...This newest Common-Sense Classroom Management guide addresses the most critical challenges that arise when teaching adolescent learners with special needs. In ...Combining learning theories with practical strategies, this fully updated new edition is the go-to, all-inclusive guide to the social studies classroom for pre-service and in-service teachers. Online Support Materials include additional lesson plan and unit plan examples, additional information about the Inquiry Design Model, state requirements for the social studies, and further reading suggestions.
Instructional Strategies for Middle and High School Social Studies: Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management is an exciting methods-based text that integrates appropriate management and assessment techniques with seven distinct teaching strategies for pre-service social studies teachers. This fully updated text includes new topics and assessment examples, expanded discussions of the teaching methods, and guidance on differentiating lessons for multiple learning levels. Part 1 offers the foundations for teaching and learning in a social studies classroom and explores contextual, theoretical, and policy factors that all teachers need to consider before entering the learning environment. Part 2 delivers a range of comprehensive strategies for providing instruction that is appropriate for meeting learning targets, helping all students learn, and fostering a classroom learning environment.
Bruce E. Larson is Professor of Social Studies and Secondary Education at Western Washington University, USA.外文館商品版本:商品之書封,為出版社提供之樣本。實際出貨商品,以出版社所提供之現有版本為主。關於外文書裝訂、版本上的差異,請參考【 外文書的小知識 】。 調貨時間:無庫存之商品,在您完成訂單程序之後,將以空運的方式為您下單調貨。原則上約14~20個工作天可以取書(若有將延遲另行告知)。為了縮短等待的時間,建議您將外文書與其它商品分開下單,以獲得最快的取貨速度,但若是海外專案進口的外文商品,調貨時間約1~2個月。 若您具有法人身份為常態性且大量購書者,或有特殊作業需求,建議您可洽詢「 企業採購 」。 退換貨說明 會員所購買的商品均享有到貨十天的猶豫期(含例假日)。退回之商品必須於猶豫期內寄回。 辦理退換貨時,商品必須是全新狀態與完整包裝(請注意保持商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒)。退回商品無法回復原狀者,恐將影響退貨權益或需負擔部分費用。 訂購本商品前請務必詳閱商品 退換貨原則 。
A practical guide to what can be accomplished utilizing the technical aspects of Classroom Management , this invaluable resource will not only help educators learn how to build positive classroom communities, but also outline methods for involving students in the creation of their learning environment. The Sixth Edition has been updated to include a new chapter on communication skills for teaching, incorporated classroom case studies in each chapter, and includes updates using the latest management research in several chapters.
Paul Burden is the author of Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community, 6th Edition, published by Wiley.
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